Episode 28: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Episode 28: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes - Savannah SheaWhen we have a problem, we are always looking for a way to solve that problem. The trouble with this approach is that energy flows where attention goes – so if we’re not careful and conscious we can end up having all our energy sucked up in experiencing the problem, rather than finding a solution.

When we dwell on the negatives, we attract negatives, sapping our energy and strength in the process.

So be careful what you’re focusing on every day. Make sure you focus on the positive things that you want and not on your problems.

Today I’m talking to a fine young lady on this very subject. Savannah will explain how to get rid of the negative thinking, attract good energy and bring what we truly desire into our lives.

If you’re tired of living under a perpetual rain cloud, listen to our conversation.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 27: The Power of Gratitude

Anna Dwyer Anna Dwyer is a beautiful lady from inside out. She is in my opinion the gratitude queen. Every day for what is now more than 1500 days straight Anna did not go to bed without writing down at least five things she was grateful for on that day.

I’m so happy to have Anna on the show to share with us how she does it and the impact it had on her life. I have learned so much from this beautiful lady in our short twenty minutes discussion and I absolutely loved her energy and positive vibe.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 26: A Child Soldier Story

Deng Thiak AdutMy guest for today’s episode is one of the most humble and grateful beings I have ever met.

Deng Adut was snatched from his mother’s arms when he was just six years old. He was forced to fight for the South Sudanese rebels as a child. After several years of fighting, by chance, he ran into one of his relatives and was smuggled out of the country. He immigrated to Australia as a teenager where he taught himself how to read, write and speak English. He earned a scholarship with the Western Sydney University and went on to become a defence Lawyer, refugee advocate and an author.

You are all invited to my friend Deng’s book launch on the 26th October 7pm at Kinokuniya bookstore in Sydney. Please come and join us.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 25: Starting Over

Claire AshmanClaire Ashman spent most of her life unwillingly in different cults. Almost four decades later she woke up to reality and walked away from the only environment she had known. She left the cult, her husband and raised eight children on her own. She spent years of soul searching and professional counseling to get her life back on track. Today, Claire is an aspiring author and an anti-cult activist. She travels around Australia sharing her life journey and helping others in similar circumstances to deal with the challenge.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 24: Nothing Is Impossible

Nancy ONancy O is an American best-selling author, a TV presenter, radio announcer, a business owner and an entrepreneur. She’s also a passionate domestic violence advocate and a cancer survivor. Nancy is a woman with a mission, and she is on fire. She is unstoppable!

Her life has been an unbelievably epic journey, and the paths are laden with pain, heartache and obstacles at every turn.

She was an innocent young country girl who dared to move to the big city to pursue her dreams. There she was lured and gang raped by a pack of soldiers who then threw her severely injured body out on the street. She was lucky to stay alive.

Later on, she was a victim of domestic violence. She was beaten, locked in the closet for days and almost died from rat poisoning. Her children were taken away from her, and she was left homeless. She moved to America where she was a foreigner, barely spoke a word of English, broke, homeless and lived on the streets.

Despite her circumstance she defined the odds and achieved the impossible.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

A thrilling real life journey to self discovery, riches and spirituality


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