Tag Archives: resilience

Episode 35: Follow Your Instinct

Susan BarberSusan Barber is an accomplished Executive Coach, Leadership Development Facilitator and Information Technology & Consumer Goods Business Leader.

She spent over 20 years in the Consumer Goods Industry as an IT and Leadership Executive. She left her corporate career to become a leading Executive Coach who partners with business professionals to accelerate their results by building confidence and enhancing their leadership skills.

On today’s episode Susan talks about her journey, struggle and shares some insights and invaluable tips on how to pursue our passion, face our fears, do what we love, stay disciplined and true to ourselves.

Resources and Links:

Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 34: Pain Is Temporary

Today I have a very special treat for you all.

Early this year I got drafted into the Toastmasters International speech contest. I won’t name names but THANK YOU VERY MUCH LINDA GARDNER!

My challenge was to give a 7 minutes inspirational speech. It was my first time ever, and I nearly had a heart attack before I went up the stage. Public speaking was my biggest fear but fortunately, I never, ever shy away from any challenge or fear so I faced it head on. By saying that I got a lot of help from my wonderful friends, mentor and hubby and the speech was well received. I won the first two rounds and came third at Division level.

No trip to Vancouver this year, sorry to all my Canadian friends!

After each competition, people came up to me and asked if I could record my speech because they want to share it with their loved ones.

I was hesitant at first because I didn’t think it was good enough. But one day I overheard my hubby’s good mate Gary Vee saying “don’t be fancy” so here it is :)

I hope you find it useful.

Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Background: Hope by Borrtex
2017 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (4.0)

Photo Credit – Suben Subenthiran

Episode 33: It’s Never Too Late

C.S. Boag In this episode, I’m talking with C.S. Boag, whom I greatly respect, look up to and consider a dear friend.

C.S. is a talented, award-winning author. He’s best known for his wonderful, hilarious, wicked detective series called Mr. Rainbow.

At an age when most of us are ready to throw in the towel, C.S. found not only success but also true love. He is living proof that anything is possible, it’s never too late to start afresh and achieve your dreams.

I’m so grateful that he has agreed to this interview where he shares part of his journey, life principles and fabulous tips on success with us. Tune in and listen to what this wise man has to say.

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 31: Life Is All About Perspective

Soness StevensSoness Stevens is the Head Speaker Coach for multiple TEDx events and has coached over 109 TED & TEDx speakers. She represented Japan for TED Worldwide, spoke at TEDxFukuoka and TEDxWasedaU.

Soness has a weekly nationwide broadcast TV show on communications and is an Associate Professor of business presentation skills at YNU. You may have seen her on NHK TV and Fox TV Japan, or heard her as the official English voice of Hello Kitty. She lives near the beach and practices Zazen Meditation at her local temple in Japan.

I’m so grateful to have Soness Stevens on the show and I’m so thankful for her willingness to share with us her intimate and very personal life journey living with a mother who was suffering from mental illness.

For a good half of her young life she lived in a car with her mother and brother. They were constantly on the move, running from landlords because her mother didn’t have a job and could not afford to pay rent. Despite growing up in such a difficult circumstance, drifting from place to place, Soness went on and became a beautiful, positive and successful individual. Her ability to see life in colours as a child is truly inspiring!

Resources and Links:
Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)

Episode 29: Time Will Heal

Episode 29: Time Will Heal - Amanda RayRape is an epidemic issue around the globe. It could happen to anyone of us, regardless of our race, gender, sexual orientation or religion. Especially children, women, the elderly and people with physical and mental disabilities are easy targets of rape because of their vulnerability.

My friend Amanda is one of the rape victims and survivors. After she had lived with the shame and guilt for many decades, she’s ready to face her demons and deal with the horrific past head on. I’m grateful that she’s willing to share her journey with us today with the hope that she could inspire and bring some comfort for some of you out there that have gone through the terrible ordeal by sharing her story.

Music Credits

Intro: Don’t Hold Back (Grow and Soar) by KOÄN
2010 – Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)